Starting since version 1.1.0 of the plugin, we have added support for developers to customise and extend some of the features of the plugin.
Modify Profile Properties
The filter usfk_modify_user_properties
will allow you to modify and add additional user properties that will appear in Klaviyo.
array $properties
– the array of properties being added to the user profileWP_User
$user – the WP User object of the user being updated
The below snippet shows how you can added an extra property called “locale” that is stored in a custom meta field “locale”. This filter is applied for both created and updated events.
function add_extra_user_properties_to_klaviyo($properties, $user)
$properties["wordpress_locale"] = get_user_meta($user->ID, 'locale', true);
return $properties;
add_filter('usfk_modify_user_properties', 'add_extra_user_properties_to_klaviyo', 10, 2);
Code language: PHP (php)
Modify Event Properties
The filter usfk_modify_event_properties
will allow you to modify and add additional event properties that will appear in Klaviyo. This filter is applied for both created and updated events.
array $properties
– the array of properties being recorded in the eventWP_User
$user – the WP User object of the user having the event recorded
The below snippet shows how you can added an extra property called “welcome_message” to the user created/updated event.
function add_extra_event_properties_to_klaviyo($properties, $user)
$properties['welcome_message'] = 'Hello ' . $user->first_name. ', welcome to my blog!';
return $properties;
add_filter('usfk_modify_event_properties', 'add_extra_event_properties_to_klaviyo', 10, 2);
Code language: PHP (php)
Manually trigger the Updated Profile Event
There maybe occasions where you want to manually trigger the “WordPress – Updated User” event if you are updating WordPress Users programmatically or via a plugin.
You can programmatically execute the function to update the user and record an event in Klaviyo with this action.
integer $
user_id – The ID of the user you want to execute the action on
The below snippet shows how you can update a user profile in Klaviyo after they have placed an order in Woocommerce that has changed status to “completed”
function update_klaviyo_user($user_id){
do_action('usfk_manually_call_update_profile', $user_id);
add_action('woocommerce_payment_complete_order_status_completed', function ($order_id){
$order = wc_get_order( $order_id );
// Get the user ID from WC_Order methods
$user_id = $order->get_user_id();
Code language: PHP (php)
Manually trigger the Created Profile Event
There maybe occasions where you want to manually trigger the “WordPress – Created User” event if you are updating WordPress Users programmatically or via a plugin.
You can programmatically execute the function to createthe user and record an event in Klaviyo with this action.
integer $
user_id – The ID of the user you want to execute the action on
The below snippet shows how you can create a user profile in Klaviyo, where the User ID = 1
do_action('usfk_manually_call_update_profile', 1);
Code language: JavaScript (javascript)