Our very first plugin, “User Sync for Klaviyo” is now complete and available to add to your WordPress site.
This plugin will let you sync your WordPress users automatically with Klaviyo.
Once you activate this plugin and enter your Klaviyo API keys, it will automatically sync your WordPress user profiles with Klaviyo.

Each time a new profile is created or updated, an event it also recorded on the profile in Klaviyo.
The following properties are synchronized to Klaviyo as profile properties automatically
- User ID:
- User Registered Date:
- User Login:
- User Role:
- User First Name
- User Last Name

A “WordPress – Created User” and “WordPress – Updated User” event is recorded when a user is created or updated.

Add Klaviyo Onsite Javascript
This plugin includes a setting to automatically add the Klaviyo Javascript to your website. This is an optional setting, as you may have already added the Klaviyo Javascript via Klaviyos official integration.

Sync all WordPress users to Klaviyo
By default this plugin will only synchronize users created or updated after the plugin was enabled. There is also a feature to allow you to manually sync all of your WordPress users as a once off activity.

Depending on how many users you have on your WordPress site and how fast your server is, this can take several minutes to complete.

The plugin is available on the WordPress.org directory